Saturday, April 4, 2009

We need to grow up before we say India is growing

Blame it on ourselves or our representatives who are sitting in Lok Sabha that India stands in a position where it will grow at a rate of 3-4%. Hindu Growth rate is what we were able to benchmark almost 15 yrs before but we dont want to go to that slow level again.
If so educated ones please Vote and choose people who do not promise you a Rice at Rs 2 per kg. Its same for all parties No manifesto talks abt reducing corruption makin it convinient for people to have access to Domestic gas but they in turn give you Television as u r poor. I thank god that Tata Nano 1 lac dream is a failure( assuming base model is useless). U politicians seriously s**k no offense to any party but the main objective is India should shine seeing the manifestos I feel Election Commission should allow purchase of vote atleast that will churn the black money of politicians to common man. We tax payers will not have to suffer the burden of Rs 2 kg a rice or Television. Next election manfesto will have Nano or atleast a honda bike and access to hotels free for our poor brothers but rather than creating oppportnities for this poor brothers of ours these politicians will kill the taxpayers and everyone doubts whether these will will ever actually go to the hands of poor. The definition of poor in party context is the ones who distributed manifestos who were part of rally. So hardly 500 TV and 500 tons of rice but centre will definitely be billed at 10% of total production. HAAHAA its shame on us but the onus is also on us choose the right party with right agenda I did not find any so please hlp me whom to vote for.
I apologize for some harsh statements this is not to hurt anyones belief or sentiments but this is a fact that all this will lead to another scam and the situation we are in I doubt we can take another scar on our face in shrt term Jai Hind

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